Francis Fuels Ltd

UVB18 Napoleon UV Replacement Lamp/Bulb W405-0005

Napoleon , OEM UV Replacement Lamp/Bulb W405-0005
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 This Napoleon W405-0005 UV Bulb is the replacement UV bulb for the UVB18, W405-0005.
Napoleon ultraviolet lamps are ozone free and should be replaced yearly.
Warning: Dangerous UltraViolet Radiation!
Radiation of this lamp is harmful to eyes and skin. Installations with these lamps are to be screened off completely.
 Please follow all safety protocols and review Manufacturers Safety and Caution notes in manual before replacing filters and UVC Lamps. 
UV-C, 115 Volt. 18 Watt
Replacement Bulb for:
UVB18, W405-0005, TUV PL-L